Category: Arise

  • DIL – Daughter In Law

    I am in my MIL house with ah ma, talking but the house looks different. It’s bigger but dirtier. As a DIL, I need to start cook dinner for everyone. My BIL ( bro in law) is a good cook so requested to help me. The kitchen cupboards were all navy blue and with layers…

  • Number 3

    I dream my brother had 3 baby girls and I also gave birth to 3 baby girls. My friend got 3 job offers. The lucky 3 number so i am going to make 3 wishes While typing this blog, the TV program blurted out : 富不过三代. 3 again.

  • Change The World

    I am caught by a man in armour and he wanted me to share with her the whereabouts of Avaya. Avaya belongs to the good world and holds the other half of an ivory map . The man who combines the 2 ivory half map together holds the power to change the world. I get…

  • Christmas Part II

    I found myself walking into the lobby of a grey steel structure building. The building is circular in design and 2 floors high. I am carrying a Christmas tree and decorations with my 2 cousins Yingfang and Yinshan. They both started walking up the spiral stairways leading to the 2nd floor not knowing the building…

  • Christmas 2011

    Christmas this year came my dreams. I saw the walls of our home filled with Christmas decoration, all the way from the room to the main door. But i am curious all the xmas wreath are all empty, no one has decorated it. Especially the one nearing the maindoor . There was a lot…

  • Ginseng Sewing Machine

    Your dreams belong to you; they talk about your life. I am in this dark room with my other half. It which smell really like a dead rat or sweat mixed sheets that has not been washed for ages/ It was dark and the scientist, a full crown of white told me:” Let me who…

  • Forgetting My Dream

    I woke up this morning vaguely or should i say not remembering my dream. Thus , my other half gave me the idea ; why not find out why you cannot remember you dream. Dreams mainly occur in the rapid-eye movement (REM) stage of sleep—when brain activity is high and resembles that of being awake.…

  • New Job

    Dreams as a reflection of the dreamer’s deepest desires, going back to their childhood. ~Sigmund Freud~ I starting walking through a gate and was led into this place filled with what looks like ODAC friends but i can’t recognize any of them. I was here to interview for a digital analyst. The interviewer asked me:…

  • Getting Married

    According to Evans, every time we go to sleep our brain disengages from the external world and uses this time to sort through and organize all the information that was taken in throughout the day, this explains why we dream. ” No , you should not marry Xavier , a local Chinese , don’t you…

  • Volkwagen Lucky Drawn

    One theory suggests that dreams are the result of our brains trying to interpret external stimuli during sleep. For example, the sound of the radio may be incorporated into the content of a dream. ~Antrobus, J. (1993). Characteristics of dreams. Encyclopedia of Sleep and Dreaming~ An Indian man was riding his old black motorcar down…